1st of all..nak la knlkan empunya blog ni, yang lelaki tu NuA suami saya, yang saya ni AieDa isteri si Nua..hehe.. Kami baru je kawin bulan 7 2010. Blog yg dicipta ni ats tujuan untuk part time mcm online shopping jual barang yang cantik2 & yang penting mengikut peredaran zaman but not to over la kann..kalau over kalah artis kang..hehe. EEHHHhhh..terbebel..nak tau lbh lanjut..sila la EXPLORE ye..Bye..=)


Manusia yang berjaya akan memperolehi keuntungan daripada kesilapannya, dan mencuba lagi dengan cara yang lain. Ingatlah bahawa anda boleh gagal dalam apa sahaja dalam hidup asalkan tidak menjadi seorang yang gagal. Kegagalan bukan bermakna anda tidak mencapai apa-apa.Ia bermakna anda telah mempelajari sesuatu.

How to Increase Link Popularity

ni ada 1 tips untuk mempopularkan anda punya post dan blog anda....renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal....
Link Image

Link popularity represents the popularity of your website in the internet,
enabling you to have a better credibility and bargaining position especially in monetizing your site. It is also a nice thing to watch your site grow in term of link popularity, knowing that all your hard work is blooming. If you are interested in increasing your link popularity, feel free to read this article further. We will discuss this matter in more details.

Link popularity tools usually define the level of popularity based on the indexing of at least five major search engines, with Google and Yahoo as the big players as always. Therefore, before trying to gain your link popularity, make sure you have adequate SEO (search engine optimization) right there. And one more thing, link popularity usually updates once a week, so if you actively leave backlinks, you will see the result after a week.

OK, increasing link popularity is easy to do because all types of link, both dofollow and nofollow, contribute positively. Let’s start then, here are some methods that you can use to build your link popularity, starting from the easiest and most effective:

1. Commenting

Actively commenting on other blogs / websites and leaving backlinks at the same time is the easiest method to build your link popularity. All you need to do is visiting other blogs / websites, read their articles / contents, share your thoughts, and finally leave your name / URL as signature / identity.

However, you have to keep it positive and contributive to the discussion in each blog. Otherwise, you may hurt your won brand. You don’t want to look like a spammer, do you?

2. Social Media

Leaving backlinks in social media / forums is also useful in increasing your link popularity. It is also a common thing for bloggers to share their posts in social media like StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Digg, etc, especially when they have new posts.

Some social media like Twitter automatically shorten your long links using free URL shortening service like or Bad news, it is not good for your link popularity because though those shorter URLs redirect to your site, it is literally not yours there. It does not count in the algorithm.

For a better result, always try to leave your links in full length, and the angels of link popularity will smile upon you.

3. Link Exchange

Link exchanges also help you increase your link popularity. The best link exchange for your link popularity is the blogroll type, where your link is located in the sidebar / footer of other blog / website. Why is it good? Simple, because the sidebar / footer goes to all the pages / posts. If the website have 400 posts / pages, then you will gain yourself one link in each of them. I am talking about 400 links here. Isn’t that sweet?

Some other websites have special pages for link exchanges, where they put all the exchanged links in one place. It is not too good for your link popularity, since you will get only one link per exchange.

Link exchange needs hard work and patience, but if done right, it is very rewarding.

4. Blog Carnival

Blog carnivals will also give you more inbound links, if your articles accepted. However, this method requires more effort than those above. You have to find the right carnivals that suit your topic first and then submit your posts there. If the host likes your article, you will get more links. If not, you know what will happen.

5. Natural Link-Baiting

Natural link baiting from good contents are a passive technique to gain link popularity. The impact of this method is quite difficult to predict. However, all you need to do is focusing to produce contents as good as you can, and the rest will take care of itself.


If you seek to raise your level of link popularity, I personally suggest the first method: commenting. Reading other articles will improve your knowledge, and responding to them will exercise your brain. Social media comes afterward, because it will keep you up to date to the trends of the internet, while socializing with your friends. If you still have time to kill after those two, go for the rest.

Ok folks, any question or comment? You are more than welcomed to use the comment box.


  1. I'm not Romeo said...

    Waa.. Nua sudah ada blog...


  2. NUAIDA said...

    haha....biasa2 jer min...tak macam ko pegawai teknologi maklumat...huhuhuh

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